Monday, November 8, 2010

Snow White

Snow White And The 7 Dwarfs

 Once upon a time, there lived a King and a Queen. They had everything except for a child. One fine winter day the Queen sat near the window sewing her husband’s shirt when suddenly she pricked her finger. A drop of blood fell on the snow. "Oh, I wish, I had a daughter with skin as white as snow, hair as black as ebony wood, and lips as red as a rose", she said. In autumn the Queen's wish came true as she was blessed with a beautiful daughter. Sadly the Queen died soon after. 

The little princess was named Snow White. After few years the king remarried. The new Queen was beautiful but arrogant. She liked to use magic and had a magic mirror. She would ask: "Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?" "You Ooh Queen,” hearing this, the Queen would smile with pride.
One day the queen spoke to the mirror as usual but the answer was different this time. "You Queen, are fair, but Snow White is the fairest of them all". The Queen stamped her foot. She plotted to kill Snow White and stormed right out of the room. One morning the Queen called the huntsman and ordered him to take Snow White into the forest to kill her and bring back her heart to prove that she was dead.

The huntsman was horrified. He loved the little princess and did not want to kill her. He took her deeper into the forest and spoke to her, "Beware of your stepmother, she wants to kill you”. But I can't kill you. So run away into the forest." The huntsman left poor Snow White alone and then killed a small deer and took its heart back to the queen. The Queen was very happy seeing the heart of the dear.

Meanwhile, Snow White ran as far as she could until she came to a cottage hidden deep in the forest. She knocked the door but there was no answer. She then pushed the door and went inside; the house was very very small. She wondered who could live in such a tiny house. She looked around--everything was so small. She was surprised to find that there was seven of everything: seven dirty cups, seven plates, seven knives, seven forks, seven messy beds and seven chairs. Quickly, she dusted the house and then had some bread and cheese by now she was very tired, so she went off to sleep.

At night, the masters of the house returned from work, they couldn't believe their eyes. Their home was clean and spotless, "who could have done this?" they asked. They looked around. Dinner was cooking in the oven and the table was laid. Then they crept into the bedroom. There they saw the beautiful princess. Snow White woke up to find seven dwarfs standing by the bed. "Don't be scared," they told her, "How did you find this place? They asked her. Snow White told her story. The dwarfs were horrified. "You must stay here with us," They said Snow White was very happy and the dwarfs were delighted to look after her. Snow white and the seven dwarfs started living a good life she soon forgot all about the wicked Queen.

On the other hand the Queen was living peacefully and happily but one day she thought to ask the magic mirror again that who is the fairest of all. The magic mirror replied. "Snow white, who dwells with the seven little men, is as fair as you". When she heard this, the Queen went pale, for she knew that the huntsman had tricked her. But this time she didn't want to take any chance. She tried her magic spell and became an old beggar-woman. She went into the forest. And as the seven dwarfs went out for work, she knocked at the door. Snow White opened and saw an old beggar-woman standing on the door step. She was holding a basket full of apples. "Try my apples, they are magic wishing apples: one bite and your dreams will come true.

Snow White thought about the handsome Prince of her dreams and took the apple. She took one bite and felled down. The old beggar woman turned back into the wicked Queen, "Nothing but a kiss from your true love can save you now," laughed the Queen. "Good bye!" When the seven dwarfs returned they saw a shadowy figure near the cottage. They chased her through the forest, towards the mountains. That figure was of the Queen.

The Queen ran on but she slipped on a ledge and fell down the side of the mountain into a deep hole between the rocks. She was never seen again. The dwarfs came back to the cottage. They tried everything to wake Snow White but it was of no use. They would have buried her but then she looked as if she was alive. So they made a coffin of crystal glass and laid her in the coffin. For a long time Snow White lay in the coffin looking as if she was asleep she was still as white as snow, her hair as black as ebony wood and lips as red as a rose.
One day a handsome prince came riding from a nearby kingdom. He saw then beautiful snow white and fell in love with her. "How beautiful she is!” He said kneeling down to kiss her. It was the kiss of true love- the one thing in the world that could break the spell! Snow white woke up and looked around. She was surprised to see the handsome prince besides her. She realised that this was the prince of her dreams. The prince without waiting much asked Snow White "Will you marry me?” She smiled and said ‘Yes’.

Snow White took the prince to the seven dwarfs and told them everything. The dwarfs were very happy for her. Soon Snow White married the prince and they lived happily forever.