Monday, November 15, 2010

Suatu Waktu ...

Herm , skunk da pun msuk lewt mlm , dlm lebey kurg 4:12 pgi.Tak thu nape mata xley lelap.Memikirkn keadaan yg trsyg nun jauh dmata.Susah hti & gelisah snantiasa mnyelubungi dri nieyh.Tah ap yg Juan nga buat tu eyh.Biasenya Juan slalu tdow lewat.N keesokannya , bgun pon lewt.Nanie slalu pesan ''Jgn bgun lewt syg, mandy,gosok gg then breakfst,pastu nk tdow , tdow la.Muah! '' Juan kalo bgun tdow, mata dye mesty sepet,hak3!!! da mcm anak cina xmandy pgi.Bau dye bt kan Nanie sntiasa rindu.Mse smiggu dye stay umah Nanie, waktu pgi, Nanie bgun , Nanie msty kne jenguk dye dulu.Then kasi kiss kat pp,time dye tga tdow.Mnandakan tibanya waktu Nanie pergi ikot mama ke kelas.Tmankan mama mngajar.Ha3!!! Anak mak'' besela.Sblm tu Nanie tglkan Nasi lemak o else tok Juan breakfst.Slama 6 jam bsme mama d klass, tibalah waktu tok Nanie pulg.Huh ! Sayg ! Nape xbgun lgi hah?? Da pkul bpe nieyh?? eeEem! B, g la mandy,,pastu kite mam k.Mama da msk tu.Nanie belai manja rmbut Juan.Mnandakan btapa Nanie ''care'' thdp dye.

    ''Yunk, eeemm... '' eleh, bunyi manje Juan.Nk kiss la tu.''Muuahh" Da,g mandy k syg''... Sweet sgt time Juan bgun tdow.Like a little baby yg nak kan phatian.Yg djaga dgn rapi.Tu la kngan yg sush tok dlupakn.
     Lemah, xbtenaga, cam xde mood je ckp gan Nanie, ''b nape, cam xske je dok mah bby, xslese ye.??''
''Eeemm xla yunk, b dmam,saket pale'' Laa.. sian... Juan ckp cam tu gelisah ase nye.Cept2 Nanie amek panadol, n temperture coler.''Nah,amek nieyh,mkn k syg.'' Juan baring n ekot je ap yg Nanie sruh.He2.Juan baring n trus Nanie letkkan ''head coler'' kat dahi dye.Sian.Nanie usap plahan kpla Juan.Herm..
     Sakit hati, mngenagkan pristiwa wktu petg.Wktu tu kami baru je hbes maen badminton.Sblm Juan dmam.''Bluekkk!! B kalah, bby meng'' Blueekk!!! He3!! Ingat lagi x yunk?? Slesai je maen, turn tok ktowag rest n siap sdia 4 dinner.''Tut,tut,tut''' Helo..''Azrul AfiQ??'' Herm!! Suare gurl mne dari fon b tu..Nanie thu Juan bt loudspeaker spya Nanie xslh sgka.Tpi2 tbe2, suare gurl plak yg kluar.Saketnye hati wktu tu.Nanie trus msuk umah, n biarkan Juan trus bckp gan gurl turh.Pedihnya hati.Hancur.Coz Juan ley wat tak thu kat Nanie.Juan da nmpk Nanie saket hati,tpi knp Juan trus ckp gan gurl tu?? Nape x letak je? Nanie msuk blik mama, xnk hti btambah2 saket.Nanie mnangis.Tah la,tah tok ap Nanie nangis sbegitu trok.Ego Nanie smakin mmbuak2.Nanie trus off fon.N ttdow.Xnk dgangu.
     9:00 mlm , Nanie tjge dri tdow, mcm org xbtul, trus tgk Juan kat bilik.Dye pun ttdow.Sian,,, Nanie pergi jenguk coz risau dye xmandy n xmkn lagy.Takot dye lapar n tak thu nk mtx kat sape.Wlaupun hati saket,Nanie cube pendam wat smnetara waktu.Nanie biarkan api kmrahan kat dlm turh reda dlu.Xsmpy hati abaikn Juan.Xsmpy hati biarkan dye lapar.''b, bangun,kite makan'' 
    ''Eeemm!!'' suare tu Nanie thu,mnandakan Juan marah,Nanie off fon.Nanie thu dye try cube contct Nanie n cube tok bri pnjelasan.Juan memg xpnh lekang dri ayt ''mnta maaf'' Nanie xnk Nanie cair n biarkan blalu bgtu.Nanie nk Juan thu yg hati Nanie da ckup2 tluke.Nanie biarkn dye tdow.G balek blik mama, n pkirkan ap nk buat.Nanie thu Juan nk Nanie pjuk dye.Tpi knp msty Nanie yg pjuk?? knp msty Nanie harus bsbr dgn stiap ap yg tjdi?? Sbb Nanie msh syg.N Tuhan brikan Nanie satu nikmat yg xpnh Nanie rse sblm nieyh.Dgn Juan Nanie blajar mcm2.Nanie jdi seorg yg tabah, stia,jujur serta tepat pd janji.Nanie g balek bilik, try bgunkan Juan bt kali kdua.Nanie ckp elok2 gan dye.Alhamdulillah,dye bangun n ekot Nanie g makan.Nanie sdiakan Nasi, n buat kan air.Siap2 sdiakan ais batu, coz dye slalu mtx.Mcm tu gak gan air suam.Nanie lyn Juan gan pnuh sbr.Tk thu nape dlm marah2, timbul pasaan ''kesian''.Kesian tgk keadaan dye.Hati yg saket, Nanie pndam jugak.Smpy skrg.Ap pun,sglanya Nanie cube tabah.Cekal ats ap yg tlah tjdi.Coz Nanie thu n pcye,Juan pasty akn brubah, & Nanie sbg seorg teman hrus bgi pluang n trus sntiasa dcc dye.Nanie da bjanji.Wlau ap yg tjdi, Nanie akn tetp stia dsmpg Juan.Biarlah drita, Nanie yg tangung sndri.Herm.
 ''Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, kau tabahkanlah hati ini agar ak trus kekl bsmenye.Stiap ap yg kau timpakan,ak trimenye dgn redho.Sesunguhnya ak hanyalah hambu Mu.Kau lah yg Maha Esa.Jadi Kaulah penentu segalanya.Ak memohon agar ak kekal bsamanya'' Sgalanya ku bserah.~Amin.

Funny Time !!!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

What is Love ?? (^_^)

What is Love?

Our favorite description of love is from the movie Captain Corelli's Mandolin: 

"Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. And when it subsides you have to make a decision. You have to work out whether your roots have become so entwined together that it is inconceivable that you should ever part. Because this is what love is. Love is not breathlessness, it is not excitement, it is not the promulgation of promises of eternal passion. That is just being "in love" which any of us can convince ourselves we are. Love itself is what is left over when being in love has burned away, and this is both an art and a fortunate accident. Your mother and I had it, we had roots that grew towards each other underground, and when all the pretty blossoms had fallen from our branches we found that we were one tree and not two."
-St. Augustine

    Find a guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot, who calls you back when you hang up on him, who will lie under the stars and listen to your heartbeat, or will stay awake just to watch you sleep... wait for the boy who kisses your forehead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends, who thinks you' re just as pretty without makeup on. One who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares and how lucky he is to have YOU... The one who turns to his friends and says, thats her...

        You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams. 
       Dr. Seuss

A wise girl kisses but doesn't love, listens but doesnt believe, and leaves before she is left.
Marilyn Monroe

American Singer & Actress

Love is a promise, love is a souvenir, once given never forgotten, never let it disappear.
John Lennon
Love is blind -- marriage is the eye-opener.
Pauline Thomason
What can the love in my soul be compared to another wonderful soul which is so far and yet so close of my self?
What can this symbiosis between two souls can be?
What can love be when you feel you cannot sleep at night, that every drop of dew becomes a crystal in your heart, when every breeze of wind has magical meanings?
What can love be when you feel that you want nothing more in this world that to be with the soul you love?
But what can love be in other transcendental realities? What about our souls?
Are our souls a waterfall, a true Niagara or a smile, a flirt of an angel? Are our souls a mere mood of a fairy or a lightening in a summer rain?
Our souls could be all of this and much more. But what really happens in that transcendental reality when we feel we are truly in love, that we love so much that it hurts? That the air in the room is unbreathable, that the sentimental, spiritual or physical distances kill us? What happens when dawn find us sadder than ever, looking for an excuse or an argument for the person we love so much, our Great Love? What are all thses? What are the looks lost in the desert horizons of unfulfilment or those in the eyes that deeply loose each other in the others inside the souls?

Random Thoughts and Reflections on Love
Larry James
How do you define love?
Some say it's mysterious, magical, complex, difficult, imaginary, thought-provoking, inspirational, intuitional, joyous, immeasurable, ecstasy, and undefinable. Perhaps.
In one of Dr. John Gray's audio cassettes he defines love as follows: "Love is a feeling directed at someone which acknowledges their goodness."
On the same cassette, he refers to the definition by M. Scott Peck: "The willful intent to serve the well being of another."
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. - 1 Corinthians 13:5-7
My favorite is by Paramahansa Yogananda: "To describe love is very difficult, for the same reason that words cannot fully describe the flavor of an orange. You have to taste the fruit to know its flavor. So with love."
Love itself is a universal experience. Yet, every individual occurrence - while perhaps bound by a common thread - seems absolutely unique. Love is what love is! To everyone it expresses itself differently.

"All You Need is Love!"
The Beatles
"All You Need Is Love" was written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney for the "Our World" live television spectacular performed by the Beatles in June, 1967. 400 million people around the world saw the program. The number was included on the Yellow Submarine album.
Love is the answer to "all" questions!
It is important to stand in Love, not fall into it.
Love is waking up to find the object of your affection in the dream you were having asleep on your shoulder.
Could it be that Love is a story that can never be fully expressed?
Love is seeing an imperfect person perfectly. - Sam Keen
Love is a bond or connection between two people that results in trust, intimacy, and an interdependence that enhances both partners.
Love is the ability and willingness to allow those you care for to be what they choose for themselves, without any insistence that they satisfy you. - Leo Buscaglia
Making Love is the highest level and the most loving way we can physically express or demonstrate our Love for our love partner. Everyone knows that the sexual experience can be the single most loving, most exciting, most powerful, most exhilarating, most renewing, most energizing, most affirming, most intimate, most uniting, most stress-relieving, most recreative physical experience of which humans are capable.
Love is friendship set on fire. - Jeremy Taylor
If you would be loved, love and be lovable. - Benjamin Franklin
When you tell someone something bad about yourself and you're scared they won't Love you anymore. But then you get surprised because not only do they still Love you, they Love you even more. - Matthew - age 7
Love is when your puppy licks your face even after you left him alone all day. - Mary Ann - age 4
I love you!
Logic says everything in this world has a cause and an effect. True Love is the only feeling which is its own cause and its own effect. It is something illogical and yet above all logic. I Love her because I Love her, and I Love her so I Love her. - Prateek Kumar Singh
Love is comforting someone in need of Love and having them know that somebody cares.
Love is looking past imperfections in your partner and seeing the beautiful person inside. True love seeks the happiness and well being of your partner. Love expresses itself in the mutual respect you demonstrate to your partner.
Guys, this one is for you! - Love is letting your partner have the TV remote for 30 days!
Love must be experienced. Its meaning is infinite and can never be totally defined.
The opposite of Love is fear. Think about it.
There is no fear in Love; but perfect love casts out fear. - Bible, 1 John 4:18
God is love.
Love is loving someone without expecting anything in return; no judgments, no restrictions; no limitations; no expectations!
True Love is the nature of bliss.
Love is expressed when you are being someone who loves someone for who they are, not who you think they should be.
Love is embracing differences and discovering ways in which to build a common lifestyle, share decision-making, and taking equal responsibility for the results.
I was nauseous and tingly all over. . . I was either in Love or I had smallpox. - Woody Allen
Love seeks no cause beyond itself and no fruit; it is its own fruit, its own enjoyment. I love because I love; I love in order that I may love. - St. Bernard 1090-1153, French Theologian and Reformer
Teach only Love for that is what you are. - A Course In Miracles
Love is a decision.

Love WagonIf you want Love, you must first Love. Love begets Love. You cannot deliver from an empty wagon. You must first learn to Love yourself before you can give Love.

"If you Loved me, you would. . ." Not! Love is not manipulative. It must never be used to get others to do what you want. When you Love someone you never ask them to sacrifice a part of themselves in the name of Love. This form of manipulation contaminates our Love for another.
Can't Buy Me Love! - The Beatles
Love is to like with a great intensity.
True love has a foundation of integrity, respect, faith and trust. Love is the force that brings about unity and harmony.
Celebrate Love! - Larry James
Although love is at the root of our basic nature, Love for another human being must be cultivated. It takes time for Love to mature.
Is your love free and unconditional, or is it mixed with various needs, conditions and demands from your partner?
Love is embracing differences and discovering ways in which to build a common lifestyle, share decision-making, and take equal responsibility for the results.
The road to self-discovery is paved with Love.
Hatred paralyzes life; love releases it.
Hatred confuses life; love harmonizes it.
Hatred darkens life; love illuminates it. - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Eventually you will come to understand that love heals everything, and love is all there is. - Gary Zukav
Love has no meaning other than the meaning "we" give it.
Perhaps. . . Love just Is. While in its allness and in its nothingness, all we need to do is simply let it Be.
Robert Heinlein in "Stranger in a Strange Land" said, Love is. . . "That condition whereby the happiness of another is essential to your own." (Thanks, Don)
To demonstrate Love. . . say, "I Love you" - outloud - at least once each day to someone you love. There is magic in these three little words. Saying "I love you" is the most beautiful gift you can give to your partner. These words are the most treasured a person can hear. To be different, say, "I Love you" in a foreign language.

What Is Love?
One must understand whether "what is love" can be a question which can be answered? Love cannot be a question. For, if it is a question then an answer should be there. If the answer is there, where is it? This question is ancient and an answer should have been found by now! If the answer has been found, the question would have disappeared.
But the question still remains, meaning the answer has not been found. If it has not been found as yet, then what is the certainty that it will be found? Maybe the mind can never find the answer! A single answer, which will please all minds, is not possible for each mind has its own ideas of love. Hence a universal answer is an illusion.
Individual answers are there for love and for this very reason there are arguments about love for each mind will contradict the answer of another mind. This contradiction is normal for each mind lives in a different point in time. Hence "what is love" is an illusionary question, which has no answer! - Dr. Vijai S. Shankar

All you need is Love!
I love you. Yeah! YOU! Azrul Amirul AfiQ
An English member of the Beatles, a songwriter, and a political activist.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Let's go to the mall and spent ur time with ur loved

Year & Sale session at Malaysia

Excitement in Malaysia theme park

Theme Park in Malaysia has been gaining popularity not just from adults but also from teenagers and children as theme parks has brought a lot of excitement to all as it offer splashing fun and adventures.
One exciting theme park is Sunway Lagoon Theme Park and a day to this theme park will not be complete if you missed any of the five attractions offered. They are Water Park, Extreme Park, Scream Park, Amusement Park and Wildlife Park which offers different attractions of their own. Water Park offers an African-themed Water Park known as Waters of Africa where you can outlast and outplay your friends in the Congo Challenge, a six-lane headfirst racer. 
Extreme Park offers an extremely exciting ecstasy for the adventure adrenaline addicts as you can ride on All Terrain Vehicle (ATV) or speed-race on the all-new Go-Kart track. Scream Park also known as Lynton V Harris Scream Park offers attractions such as Pontianak Theater of Fear, Rumah Hantu in 3DX, Terminator X: A Laser Battle for Salvation and Night at the Museum: Alive and Scary. 
Amusement Park offers two main themes Wild Wild West and World of Adventure where you can journey back to the old frontier of cowboys and Indians. The last park Wildlife Park contains a wildlife interactive zoo which is Malaysia’s first fully interactive animal themed attraction. You can come face-to-face with Civets, Binturongs, Hornbills, Eagles, Gibbons, Pythons, Peacocks and other domestic animals.
Another theme park that you can look out for is the A’Farmosa Water World which occupies a land area of 20-acres is the only water theme park of its kind in the southern region of this country and comprises of slides and pools of every kind. The park has lots of interesting and unique features such as choices of water slides – all designed to suit even the most sophisticated water enthusiasts.   
Kids will find the Arabian Village, an Arabian-style water playground and Kid’s Adventure Pool, a children’s water play area with mini slides, water sprays and a water playground. For those looking for excitement, you can take up the challenge by trying out the Seven Storey High Speed Slide. The two towering high speed slides is the landmark of A’Farmosa Water World and it is visible from the North-South highway. The slide provides a heart-stopping yet breathtaking high velocity joyride as you can hurtle down and reach the ground in just a few seconds.    
As for less daring souls, you can try out the Wave Pool, with wave heads towards the shore; Family Raft Ride, you and your family members sliding down the loops and twists on a giant tube and the longest Lazy River in the world to relax on a tube ride as the journey takes you around the water theme park easily.
It is theme park not to be missed during the year end for you and your family to have fun under one roof. 

Dazzling Italian food

Delucca is a delightful laidback restaurant that has vowed many with its array of mouth-watering authentic Italian food served against a serene backdrop of live jazz music. Delucca shines with a uniquely casual ambience where patrons wine and dine, talk for hours and generally have a good time in total comfort… like they would do at home.

Like food, music is the soul of Delucca. Every Friday and Saturday, serious jazz lovers can look forward to sounds of professional jazz bands playing around the clock from 10 p.m. all the way to 1.00 a.m. On weekdays, patrons can also expect to be entertained by ‘live music’ of multiple genres i.e. somber Classical to searing Latin to cool Street Jazz.

One of the favorite dishes served here is Fantasia di Bruschete, which is Italian bread filled with delightful toppings such as black olive, mushroom, chicken liver, walnut and an assortment of cheese. Delucca offers good food and great music that compliment with the elegant dining environment with an informal ambience and great selection of wines.
The name ‘Delucca’ is spontaneous from its owner Frederiq simply to reflect his affection for the town of Lucca in Tuscany, Italy. In many ways, Delucca best sums up the informal ambience that is Delucca’s most prominent feature today. We would recommend you to try it and hopefully you will fall in love with the charms of Delucca. 

Switchblade KL : A complete alternative LifeStyle

Rockabilly started out as an underground subcultured music before the birth of Rock ‘n’ Roll in the 1950’s. It is a type of music that combines the elements of old-school rock and country or belonging to the genre of early blues-enfused rock of the 50’s. Today, its fan is by and large part of a subculture that idealizes the 50s.

Switchblade incorporates both clothing store and dining concept in Malaysia bringing a sense of spunk to Solaris Dutamas. Its tagline “Come for the clothes, stay for the food” highlights its concept as a one-stop outlet to both clothe and feed the body. Switchblade provides a complete alternative lifestyle to those individuals with a taste of audacious fashion and looking to stand out from the rest.

Niche fine brands like Liquorbrand, Kozumikku, Hotrodhellcat, Six Bunnies, SB Kids and its own signature brand Laedoledo is available in the clothing store now.

Switchblade Kuala Lumpur is located at A2-G1-07, Solaris Dutamas, No 1, Jalan Dutamas 1, 50480 Kuala Lumpur.


       Once upon a time... a carpenter, picked up a strange lump of wood one day while mending a table. When he began to chip it, the wood started to moan. This frightened the carpenter and he decided to get rid of it at once, so he gave it to a friend called Geppetto, who wanted to make a puppet. Geppetto, a cobbler, took his lump of wood home, thinking about the name he would give his puppet.
"I'll call him Pinocchio," he told himself. "It's a lucky name." Back in his humble basement home and workshop, Geppetto started to carve the wood. Suddenly a voice squealed:
"Ooh! That hurt!" Geppeto was astonished to find that the wood was alive. Excitedly he carved a head, hair and eyes, which immediately stared right at the cobbler. But the second Geppetto carved out the nose, it grew longer and longer, and no matter how often the cobbler cut it down to size, it just stayed a long nose. The newly cut mouth began to chuckle and when Geppetto angrily complained, the puppet stuck out his tongue at him. That was nothing, however! When the cobbler shaped the hands, they snatched the good man's wig, and the newly carved legs gave him a hearty kick. His eyes brimming with tears, Geppetto scolded the puppet.
"You naughty boy! I haven't even finished making you, yet you've no respect for your father!" Then he picked up the puppet and, a step at a time, taught him to walk. But the minute Pinocchio stood upright, he started to run about the room, with Geppetto after him, then he opened the door and dashed into the street. Now, Pinocchio ran faster than Geppetto and though the poor cobbler shouted "Stop him! Stop him!" none of the onlookers, watching in amusement, moved a finger. Luckily, a policeman heard the cobbler's shouts and strode quickly down the street. Grabbing the runaway, he handed him over to his father.
"I'll box your ears," gasped Geppetto, still out of breath. Then he realised that was impossible, for in his haste to carve the puppet, he had forgotten to make his ears. Pinocchio had got a fright at being in the clutches of the police, so he apologised and Geppetto forgave his son.
Indeed, the minute they reached home, the cobbler made Pinocchio a suit out of flowered paper, a pair of bark shoes and a soft bread hat. The puppet hugged his father.
"I'd like to go to school," he said, "to become clever and help you when you're old!" Geppetto was touched by this kind thought.
"I'm very grateful," he replied, "but we haven't enough money even to buy you the first reading book!" Pinocchio looked downcast, then Geppetto suddenly rose to his feet, put on his old tweed coat and went out of the house. Not long after he returned carrying a first reader, but minus his coat. It was snowing outside.
"Where's your coat, father?"
"I sold it."
"Why did you sell it?"
"It kept me too warm!"
Pinocchio threw his arms round Geppetto's neck and kissed the kindly old man.
It had stopped snowing and Pinocchio set out for school with his first reading book under his arm. He was full of good intentions. "Today I want to learn to read. Tomorrow I'll learn to write and the day after to count. Then I'll earn some money and buy Geppetto a fine new coat. He deserves it, for . . ." The sudden sound of a brass band broke into the puppet's daydream and he soon forgot all about school. He ended up in a crowded square where people were clustering round a brightly coloured booth.
"What's that?" he asked a boy.
"Can't you read? It's the Great Puppet Show!"
"How much do you pay to go inside?"
"Who'll give me fourpence for this brand new book?" Pinocchio cried. A nearby junk seller bought the reading book and Pinocchio hurried into the booth. Poor Geppetto. His sacrifice had been quite in vain. Hardly had Pinocchio got inside, when he was seen by one of the puppets on the stage who cried out:
"There's Pinocchio! There's Pinocchio!"
"Come, along. Come up here with us. Hurrah for brother Pinocchio!" cried the puppets. Pinocchio weent onstage with his new friends, while the spectators below began to mutter about uproar. Then out strode Giovanni, the puppet-master, a frightful looking man with fierce bloodshot eyes.
"What's going on here? Stop that noise! Get in line, or you'll hear about it later!"
That evening, Giovanni sat down to his meal, but when he found that more wood was needed to finish cooking his nice chunk of meat, he remembered the intruder who had upset his show.
"Come here, Pinocchio! You'll make good firewood!" The poor puppet started to weep and plead.
"Save me, father! I don't want to die . . . I don't want to die!" When Giovanni heard Pinocchio's cries, he was surprised.
"Are your parents still alive?" he asked.
"My father is, but I've never known my mother," said the puppet in a low voice. The big man's heart melted.
"It would be beastly for your father if I did throw you into the fire . . . but I must finish roasting the mutton. I'll just have to burn another puppet. Men! Bring me Harlequin, trussed!" When Pinocchio saw that another puppet was going to be burned in his place, he wept harder than ever.
"Please don't, sir! Oh, sir, please don't! Don't burn Harlequin!"
"That's enough!" boomed Giovanni in a rage. "I want my meat well cooked!"
"In that case," cried Pinocchio defiantly, rising to his feet, "burn me! It's not right that Harlequin should be burnt instead of me!"
Giovanni was taken aback. "Well, well!" he said. "I've never met a puppet hero before!" Then he went on in a milder tone. "You really are a good lad. I might indeed . . ." Hope flooded Pinocchio's heart as the puppet-master stared at him, then at last the man said: "All right! I'll eat half-raw mutton tonight, but next time, somebody will find himself in a pickle." All the puppets were delighted at being saved. Giovanni asked Pinocchio to tell him the whole tale, and feeling sorry for kindhearted Geppetto, he gave the puppet five gold pieces.
"Take these to your father," he said. "Tell him to buy himself a new coat, and give him my regards."
Pinocchio cheerfully left the puppet booth after thanking Giovanni for being so generous. He was hurrying homewards when he met a half-blind cat and a lame fox. He couldn't help but tell them all about his good fortune, and when the pair set eyes on the gold coins, they hatched a plot, saying to Pinocchio:
"If you would really like to please your father, you ought to take him a lot more coins. Now, we know of a magic meadow where you can sow these five coins. The next day, you will find they have become ten times as many!"
"How can that happen?" asked Pinocchio in amazement.
"I'll tell you how!" exclaimed the fox. "In the land of Owls lies a meadow known as Miracle Meadow. If you plant one gold coin in a little hole, next day you will find a whole tree dripping with gold coins!" Pinocchio drank in every word his two "friends" uttered and off they all went to the Red Shrimp Inn to drink to their meeting and future wealth.
After food and a short rest, they made plans to leave at midnight for Miracle Meadow. However, when Pinocchio was wakened by the innkeeper at the time arranged, he found that the fox and the cat had already left. All the puppet could do then was pay for the dinner, using one of his gold coins, and set off alone along the path through the woods to the magic meadow. Suddenly... "Your money or your life!" snarled two hooded bandits. Now, Pinocchio had hidden the coins under his tongue, so he could not say a word, and nothing the bandits could do would make Pinocchio tell where the coins were hidden. Still mute, even when the wicked pair tied a noose round the poor puppet's neck and pulled it tighter and tighter, Pinocchio's last thought was "Father, help me!"
Of course, the hooded bandits were the fox and the cat. "You'll hang there," they said, "till you decide to talk. We'll be back soon to see if you have changed your mind!" And away they went.
However, a fairy who lived nearby had overheard everything . . . From the castle window, the Turquoise Fairy saw a kicking puppet dangling from an oak tree in the wood. Taking pity on him, she clapped her hands three times and suddenly a hawk and a dog appeared.
"Quickly!" said the fairy to the hawk. "Fly to that oak tree and with your beak snip away the rope round the poor lad's neck!"
To the dog she said: "Fetch the carriage and gently bring him to me!"
In no time at all, Pinocchio, looking quite dead, was lying in a cosy bed in the castle, while the fairy called three famous doctors, crow, owl and cricket. A very bitter medicine, prescribed by these three doctors quickly cured the puppet, then as she caressed him, the fairy said: "Tell me what happened!"
Pinocchio told her his story, leaving out the bit about selling his first reading book, but when the fairy asked him where the gold coins were, the puppet replied that he had lost them. In fact, they were hidden in one of his pockets. All at once, Pinocchio's nose began to stretch, while the fairy laughed.
"You've just told a lie! I know you have, because your nose is growing longer!" Blushing with shame, Pinocchio had no idea what to do with such an ungainly nose and he began to weep. However, again feeling sorry for him, the fairy clapped her hands and a flock of woodpeckers appeared to peck his nose back to its proper length.
"Now, don't tell any more lies," the fairy warned him," or your nose will grow again! Go home and take these coins to your father."
Pinocchio gratefully hugged the fairy and ran off homewards. But near the oak tree in the forest, he bumped into the cat and the fox. Breaking his promise, he foolishly let himself be talked into burying the coins in the magic meadow. Full of hope, he returned next day, but the coins had gone. Pinocchio sadly trudged home without the coins Giovanni had given him for his father.
After scolding the puppet for his long absence, Geppetto forgave him and off he went to school. Pinocchio seemed to have calmed down a bit. But someone else was about to cross his path and lead him astray. This time, it was Carlo, the lazy bones of the class.
"Why don't you come to Toyland with me?" he said. "Nobody ever studies there and you can play all day long!"
"Does such a place really exist?" asked Pinocchio in amazement.
"The wagon comes by this evening to take me there," said Carlo. "Would you like to come?"
Forgetting all his promises to his father and the fairy, Pinocchio was again heading for trouble. Midnight struck, and the wagon arrived to pick up the two friends, along with some other lads who could hardly wait to reach a place where schoolbooks and teachers had never been heard of. Twelve pairs of donkeys pulled the wagon, and they were all shod with white leather boots. The boys clambered into the wagon. Pinocchio, the most excited of them all, jumped on to a donkey. Toyland, here we come!
Now Toyland was just as Carlo had described it: the boys all had great fun and there were no lessons. You weren't even allowed to whisper the word "school", and Pinocchio could hardly believe he was able to play all the time.
"This is the life!" he said each time he met Carlo.
"I was right, wasn't I?" exclaimed his friend, pleased with himself.
"Oh, yes Carlo! Thanks to you I'm enjoying myself. And just think: teacher told me to keep well away from you."
One day, however, Pinocchio awoke to a nasty surprise. When he raised a hand to his head, he found he had sprouted a long pair of hairy ears, in place of the sketchy ears that Geppetto had never got round to finishing. And that wasn't all! The next day, they had grown longer than ever. Pinocchio shamefully pulled on a large cotton cap and went off to search for Carlo. He too was wearing a hat, pulled right down to his nose. With the same thought in their heads, the boys stared at each other, then snatching off their hats, they began to laugh at the funny sight of long hairy ears. But as they screamed with laughter, Carlo suddenly went pale and began to stagger. "Pinocchio, help! Help!" But Pinocchio himself was stumbling about and he burst into tears. For their faces were growing into the shape of a donkey's head and they felt themselves go down on all foursf. Pinocchio and Carlo were turning into a pair of donkeys. And when they tried to groan with fear, they brayed loudly instead. When the Toyland wagon driver heard the braying of his new donkeys, he rubbed his hands in glee.
"There are two fine new donkeys to take to market. I'll get at least four gold pieces for them!" For such was the awful fate that awaited naughty little boys that played truant from school to spend all their time playing games.
Carlo was sold to a farmer, and a circus man bought Pinocchio to teach him to do tricks like his other performing animals. It was a hard life for a donkey! Nothing to eat but hay, and when that was gone, nothing but straw. And the beatings! Pinocchio was beaten every day till he had mastered the difficult circus tricks. One day, as he was jumping through the hoop, he stumbled and went lame. The circus man called the stable boy.
"A lame donkey is no use to me," he said. "Take it to market and get rid of it at any price!" But nobody wanted to buy a useless donkey. Then along came a little man who said: "I'll take it for the skin. It will make a good drum for the village band!"
And so, for a few pennies, Pinocchio changed hands and he brayed sorrowfully when he heard what his awful fate was to be. The puppet's new owner led him to the edge of the sea, tied a large stone to his neck, and a long rope round Pinocchio's legs and pushed hlm into the water. Clutching the end of the rope, the man sat down to wait for Pinocchio to drown. Then he would flay off the donkey's skin.
Pinocchio struggled for breath at the bottom of the sea, and in a flash, remembered all the bother he had given Geppetto, his broken promises too, and he called on the fairy.
The fairy heard Pinocchio's call and when she saw he was about to drown, she sent a shoal of big fish. They ate away all the donkey flesh, leaving the wooden Pinocchio. Just then, as the fish stopped nibbling, Pinocchio felt himself hauled out of the water. And the man gaped in astonishment at the living puppet, twisting and turning like an eel, which appeared in place of the dead donkey. When he recovered his wits, he babbled, almost in tears: "Where's the donkey I threw into the sea?"
"I'm that donkey", giggled Pinocchio.
"You!" gasped the man. "Don't try pulling my leg. If I get angry . . ."
However, Pinocchio told the man the whole story . . . "and that's how you come to have a live puppet on the end of the rope instead of a dead donkey!"
"I don't give a whit for your story," shouted the man in a rage. "All I know is that I paid twenty coins for you and I want my money back! Since there's no donkey, I'll take you to market and sell you as firewood!"
By then free of the rope, Pinocchio made a face at the man and dived into the sea. Thankful to be a wooden puppet again, Pinocchio swam happily out to sea and was soon just a dot on the horizon. But his adventures were far from over. Out of the water behind him loomed a terrible giant shark! A horrified Pinocchio sawits wide open jaws and tried to swim away as fast as he could, but the monster only glided closer. Then the puppet tried to escape by going in the other direction, but in vain. He could never escape the shark, for as the water rushed into its cavern-like mouth, he was sucked in with it. And in an instant Pinocchio had been swallowed along with shoals of fish unlucky enough to be in the fierce creature's path. Down he went, tossed in the torrent of water as it poured down the shark's throat, till he felt dizy. When Pinocchio came to his senses, he was in darkness. Over his head, he could hear the loud heave of the shark's gills. On his hands and knees, the puppet crept down what felt like a sloping path, crying as he went:
"Help! Help! Won't anybody save me?"
Suddenly, he noticed a pale light and, as he crept towards it, he saw it was a flame in the distance. On he went, till: "Father! It can't be you! . . ."
"Pinocchio! Son! It really is you . . ."
Weeping for joy, they hugged each other and, between sobs, told their adventures. Geppetto stroked the puppet's head and told him how he came to be in the shark's stomach.
"I was looking for you everywhere. When I couldn't find you on dry land, I made a boat to search for you on the sea. But the boat capsized in a storm, then the shark gulped me down. Lucklly, it also swallowed bits of ships wrecked in the tempest, so I've managed to survive by gettlng what I could from these!"
"Well, we're still alive!" remarked Pinocchio, when they had finished recounting their adventures. "We must get out of here!" Taking Geppetto's hand, the pair started to climb up the shark's stomach, using a candle to light their way. When they got as far as its jaws, they took fright, but as so happened, this shark slept with its mouth open, for it suffered from asthma.
As luck would have it, the shark had been basking in shallow waters since the day before, and Pinocchio soon reached the beach. Dawn was just breaking, and Geppetto, soaked to the skin, was half dead with cold and fright.
"Lean on me, father." said Pinocchio. "I don't know where we are, but we'll soon find our way home!"
Beside the sands stood an old hut made of branches, and there they took shelter. Geppetto was running a temperature, but Pinocchio went out, saying, "I'm going to get you some milk." The bleating of goats led the puppet in the right direction, and he soon came upon a farmer. Of course, he had no money to pay for the milk.
"My donkey's dead," said the farmer. "If you work the treadmill from dawn to noon, then you can have some milk." And so, for days on end, Pinocchio rose early each morning to earn Geppetto's food.
At long last, Pinocchio and Geppetto reached home. The puppet worked late into the night weaving reed baskets to make money for his father and himself. One day, he heard that the fairy after a wave of bad luck, was ill in hospital. So instead of buying himself a new suit of clothes, Pinocchio sent the fairy the money to pay for her treatment.
One night, in a wonderful dream, the fairy appeared to reward Pinocchio for his kindness. When the puppet looked in the mirror next morning, he found he had turned into somebody else. For there in the mirror, was a handsome young lad with blue eyes and brown hair. Geppetto hugged him happily.
"Where's the old wooden Pinocchio?" the young lad asked in astonishment. "There!" exclaimed Geppetto, pointing at him. "When bad boys become good, their looks change along with their lives!"

Snow White

Snow White And The 7 Dwarfs

 Once upon a time, there lived a King and a Queen. They had everything except for a child. One fine winter day the Queen sat near the window sewing her husband’s shirt when suddenly she pricked her finger. A drop of blood fell on the snow. "Oh, I wish, I had a daughter with skin as white as snow, hair as black as ebony wood, and lips as red as a rose", she said. In autumn the Queen's wish came true as she was blessed with a beautiful daughter. Sadly the Queen died soon after. 

The little princess was named Snow White. After few years the king remarried. The new Queen was beautiful but arrogant. She liked to use magic and had a magic mirror. She would ask: "Magic mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all?" "You Ooh Queen,” hearing this, the Queen would smile with pride.
One day the queen spoke to the mirror as usual but the answer was different this time. "You Queen, are fair, but Snow White is the fairest of them all". The Queen stamped her foot. She plotted to kill Snow White and stormed right out of the room. One morning the Queen called the huntsman and ordered him to take Snow White into the forest to kill her and bring back her heart to prove that she was dead.

The huntsman was horrified. He loved the little princess and did not want to kill her. He took her deeper into the forest and spoke to her, "Beware of your stepmother, she wants to kill you”. But I can't kill you. So run away into the forest." The huntsman left poor Snow White alone and then killed a small deer and took its heart back to the queen. The Queen was very happy seeing the heart of the dear.

Meanwhile, Snow White ran as far as she could until she came to a cottage hidden deep in the forest. She knocked the door but there was no answer. She then pushed the door and went inside; the house was very very small. She wondered who could live in such a tiny house. She looked around--everything was so small. She was surprised to find that there was seven of everything: seven dirty cups, seven plates, seven knives, seven forks, seven messy beds and seven chairs. Quickly, she dusted the house and then had some bread and cheese by now she was very tired, so she went off to sleep.

At night, the masters of the house returned from work, they couldn't believe their eyes. Their home was clean and spotless, "who could have done this?" they asked. They looked around. Dinner was cooking in the oven and the table was laid. Then they crept into the bedroom. There they saw the beautiful princess. Snow White woke up to find seven dwarfs standing by the bed. "Don't be scared," they told her, "How did you find this place? They asked her. Snow White told her story. The dwarfs were horrified. "You must stay here with us," They said Snow White was very happy and the dwarfs were delighted to look after her. Snow white and the seven dwarfs started living a good life she soon forgot all about the wicked Queen.

On the other hand the Queen was living peacefully and happily but one day she thought to ask the magic mirror again that who is the fairest of all. The magic mirror replied. "Snow white, who dwells with the seven little men, is as fair as you". When she heard this, the Queen went pale, for she knew that the huntsman had tricked her. But this time she didn't want to take any chance. She tried her magic spell and became an old beggar-woman. She went into the forest. And as the seven dwarfs went out for work, she knocked at the door. Snow White opened and saw an old beggar-woman standing on the door step. She was holding a basket full of apples. "Try my apples, they are magic wishing apples: one bite and your dreams will come true.

Snow White thought about the handsome Prince of her dreams and took the apple. She took one bite and felled down. The old beggar woman turned back into the wicked Queen, "Nothing but a kiss from your true love can save you now," laughed the Queen. "Good bye!" When the seven dwarfs returned they saw a shadowy figure near the cottage. They chased her through the forest, towards the mountains. That figure was of the Queen.

The Queen ran on but she slipped on a ledge and fell down the side of the mountain into a deep hole between the rocks. She was never seen again. The dwarfs came back to the cottage. They tried everything to wake Snow White but it was of no use. They would have buried her but then she looked as if she was alive. So they made a coffin of crystal glass and laid her in the coffin. For a long time Snow White lay in the coffin looking as if she was asleep she was still as white as snow, her hair as black as ebony wood and lips as red as a rose.
One day a handsome prince came riding from a nearby kingdom. He saw then beautiful snow white and fell in love with her. "How beautiful she is!” He said kneeling down to kiss her. It was the kiss of true love- the one thing in the world that could break the spell! Snow white woke up and looked around. She was surprised to see the handsome prince besides her. She realised that this was the prince of her dreams. The prince without waiting much asked Snow White "Will you marry me?” She smiled and said ‘Yes’.

Snow White took the prince to the seven dwarfs and told them everything. The dwarfs were very happy for her. Soon Snow White married the prince and they lived happily forever.


Sunday, November 7, 2010

I'm Alone Vs Rumplestillskin

         Wake up late today.trdengar lagu dari zamani n tros tringat at Juan.Seprti biase,Nanie akn tatap dlu wajah Juan n bri satu ciuman at pp dye waktu dye sdg tdur nyenyak at bilik Nanie.Tpi Juan da pun balik at kg dye at ipoh.Rindu sgt saat2 kami bersame spnjg dye overnite at mah Nanie slama smggu lebey.Byk memori kami brsama.Byk gak kngan pahit kami.Ha3!!! Tpi tu sume dpt kami tmpuh n atasi brsme.Jgn jadikan prkara kecil sbg slh satu penyebab hubgn mnjdi rengang.Sthu Nanie,xdpt faedah ap2 pun.Merajuk, sudh mnjadi sinonim bt gurl d luar sne.Tol x?? Klau xdpujuk dgn sgera, btmbh2 mnjdai la.Nsb la Juan seorg yg memahami.Keras2 Nanie ni,ble dpujuk oleh yg tersyg, cair gak akhirnya.Hu3!! Shari xdpt pangilan dri c dye,msty jadi gle skejap.Ha3!!!  Nk menghilangkan kesunyian nieyh,Nanie sediakan secawan Nescafe ais yg slalu Nanie minum swaktu bersame Juan.Then Nanie watching ''Rumplestillskin'' ianya tntg cerita dongeng.Enjoy la jgk.But misteri sungguh jalan crite nye.Nanie memg minat cerite dongeng.Tak thu la y.Ha2!!! Mcm Nanie berada d tmpt dorg.N dpt mlihat brbgai2 kish stiap jln crite.


      Once there was a miller who was poor, but who had a beautiful daughter. Now it happened that he had to go and speak to the king, and in order to make himself appear important he said to him, "I have a daughter who can spin straw into gold."

     The king said to the miller, "That is an art which pleases me well, if your daughter is as clever as you say, bring her to-morrow to my palace, and I will put her to the test."
     And when the girl was brought to him he took her into a room which was quite full of straw, gave her a spinning-wheel and a reel, and said, "Now set to work, and if by to-morrow morning early you have not spun this straw into gold during the night, you must die."
     Thereupon he himself locked up the room, and left her in it alone. So there sat the poor miller's daughter, and for the life of her could not tell what to do, she had no idea how straw could be spun into gold, and she grew more and more frightened, until at last she began to weep.
     But all at once the door opened, and in came a little man, and said, "Good evening, mistress miller, why are you crying so?"
     "Alas," answered the girl, "I have to spin straw into gold, and I do not know how to do it."
     "What will you give me," said the manikin, "if I do it for you?"
     "My necklace," said the girl.
     The little man took the necklace, seated himself in front of the wheel, and whirr, whirr, whirr, three turns, and the reel was full, then he put another on, and whirr, whirr, whirr, three times round, and the second was full too. And so it went on until the morning, when all the straw was spun, and all the reels were full of gold.
 By daybreak the king was already there, and when he saw the gold he was astonished and delighted, but his heart became only more greedy. He had the miller's daughter taken into another room full of straw, which was much larger, and commanded her to spin that also in one night if she valued her life. The girl knew not how to help herself, and was crying, when the door opened again, and the little man appeared, and said, "What will you give me if I spin that straw into gold for you?"
     "The ring on my finger," answered the girl.
     The little man took the ring, again began to turn the wheel, and by morning had spun all the straw into glittering gold.
     The king rejoiced beyond measure at the sight, but still he had not gold enough, and he had the miller's daughter taken into a still larger room full of straw, and said, "You must spin this, too, in the course of this night, but if you succeed, you shall be my wife."
     Even if she be a miller's daughter, thought he, I could not find a richer wife in the whole world.
     When the girl was alone the manikin came again for the third time, and said, "What will you give me if I spin the straw for you this time also?"
     "I have nothing left that I could give," answered the girl.
     "Then promise me, if you should become queen, to give me your first child."
     Who knows whether that will ever happen, thought the miller's daughter, and, not knowing how else to help herself in this strait, she promised the manikin what he wanted, and for that he once more spun the straw into gold.
     And when the king came in the morning, and found all as he had wished, he took her in marriage, and the pretty miller's daughter became a queen.
A year after, she brought a beautiful child into the world, and she never gave a thought to the manikin. But suddenly he came into her room, and said, "Now give me what you promised."
     The queen was horror-struck, and offered the manikin all the riches of the kingdom if he would leave her the child. But the manikin said, "No, something alive is dearer to me than all the treasures in the world."
     Then the queen began to lament and cry, so that the manikin pitied her.
     "I will give you three days, time," said he, "if by that time you find out my name, then shall you keep your child."
     So the queen thought the whole night of all the names that she had ever heard, and she sent a messenger over the country to inquire, far and wide, for any other names that there might be. When the manikin came the next day, she began with Caspar, Melchior, Balthazar, and said all the names she knew, one after another, but to every one the little man said, "That is not my name."
     On the second day she had inquiries made in the neighborhood as to the names of the people there, and she repeated to the manikin the most uncommon and curious. Perhaps your name is Shortribs, or Sheepshanks, or Laceleg, but he always answered, "That is not my name."
     On the third day the messenger came back again, and said, "I have not been able to find a single new name, but as I came to a high mountain at the end of the forest, where the fox and the hare bid each other good night, there I saw a little house, and before the house a fire was burning, and round about the fire quite a ridiculous little man was jumping, he hopped upon one leg, and shouted -
     'To-day I bake, to-morrow brew,

       the next I'll have the young queen's child.
     Ha, glad am I that no one knew
     that Rumpelstiltskin I am styled.'"
     You may imagine how glad the queen was when she heard the name. And when soon afterwards the little man came in, and asked, "Now, mistress queen, what is my name?"
     At first she said, "Is your name Conrad?"
     "Is your name Harry?"
     "Perhaps your name is Rumpelstiltskin?"
     "The devil has told you that! The devil has told you that," cried the little man, and in his anger he plunged his right foot so deep into the earth that his whole leg went in, and then in rage he pulled at his left leg so hard with both hands that he tore himself in two.